Thursday, February 19, 2009

SPM Paper Format

Paper One
1. Paper One consists of two questions.
2. Paper One is divided into two sections and should be answered within one hour and forty-five minutes.
3. Paper One has two sections; Section A: Directed Writing (guided writing style), Section B: Continuous Writing (free-writing about 350-words)

Paper Two
1. Paper Two consists of 34 questions; 15 objective questions, 19 subjective questions.
2. 19 subjective questions are divided into a few different styles such as short answers (one-word), complete sentences answers & short responses (for literature).
3. Summary is written in not more than 130 words.
4. Literature component is tested in two ways- i)one/two sentence(s) for
short stories and poem
ii) short response (about 120
words)for novel

1 comment:

  1. halo teacher,ive been waiting for homework you suppose to give to izzul through this blog.but today is friday.two more day left until we go back to asrama.terlupa maybe?
